Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rain, Rain, Run Away... Matt Has Got A Lot To Say...

Every so often, you have to have ventilation for the heat before it starts to burn away at the insides and causes a meltdown. Now, I occasionally go on a rant about something, but usually it's less of a “rant” and more of a “semi-heated commentary” on an issue I feel deserves a little scrutiny. However, this election and the fallout from what is being termed as a “statement to take America back to glory” and rid the country of those who do not follow the agenda of the ruling regime has sparked a little bit of disgust in me. So, I feel I should write about a few things that are bothering me, and this election has been the catalyst.

Now, to be fair, it's not so much the election as the fallout that's starting to weigh on me. Obviously, a lot of people were unhappy with how things are going, and they want change. I'm one of them, by the way. There's a lot about both sides of this government that has me pissed off... but right now I want to keep politics out of this, despite the fact that we just had an election. My main concern is the overall attitude of some in this country... not all, just some. Unfortunately, a large percentage of this “some” happen to be the people who are all around me... and because I'm feeling frustrated, I'm gonna take a moment to shoot.

First of all... who the hell are any of you to tell me I'm inferior or crazy because I have beliefs different from yours?!! So, does it make me evil if I'm not a Christian? Am I some kind of lower form of human being because I don't believe in “Christian Values”? Well, it just so happens that there are a lot of “Christian Values” I do agree with... I don't go out looking to cause harm to others, I have respect for my neighbors, I do believe marriage – between ANY gender – is a sacred thing, and although I don't believe that a woman's right to an abortion should be taken from her, I'm not a believer in abortion. I don't believe in murder, I don't believe in stealing from my neighbors, family or friends. These all seem like very “Christian Values” to me... however, by name alone, the term “Christian Values” implies that it is only the Christians who practice these things... that's pretty fucking arrogant, if you ask me. These are values of humanity, the Christians didn't corner the market on treating others peacefully. I choose to find my faith in another place... I'm a very spiritual Pagan. Does this make me less than you? Apparently, to some in my life and in this country, it does. And while I'm normally reserved in my criticism, to these people I now offer some advice: go fuck yourself.

Next, let's look at a few social issues... gay marriage, guns, the working class, big business, immigration, etc. I'd like to be real clear here: on most of these topics I would fall into the “liberal” category, however I detest being associated with groups; the voice of the individual to me holds much more significance that those of a group that will compromise even one of their beliefs in order to be counted with others. This may seem a little hypocritical to what I preach sometimes, because I often say that it's our duty to look out for one another and those around us... but in this case I'm speaking about personal beliefs, not actions. In any case, my beliefs in equal marriage for all, the idea that health care is a right, not a privilege... the concept that instead of censoring the religious views of some, we should be celebrating all of them... these are things I believe in strongly. However, the idea that we should close our borders to immigration, we should ban travel to these countries that are stricken with Ebola, and that a program like Welfare should be much more heavily regulated than it is now in order to crack down on the millions that are abusing the system... these fall under a more conservative umbrella. So, am I a conservative? I don't see it that way, but a lot of liberals would ostracize me for speaking in such a manner... thus proving my theory that independent thought is not only frowned upon by the population, but is in fact discouraged by society. A substantial portion of the world only sees things in black & white, and doesn't bother glancing at the colors. So how does that affect me? It's a battle I fight every day by some of those in close proximity to me... and it's a battle that I usually win very easily. Sometimes, however... I feel as though the only thing protecting me from wicked acts is the fact that meditation has taught me the value of restraint.

Finally, my lifestyle. Well... maybe that's a dumb word to use. In fact, I'm gonna steal a quote from the ever-wise George Carlin here and point something out:

“If you wanna know what a ridiculous word 'lifestyle' is, all you have to do is realize that, in a technical sense, Attila the Hun had an 'active, outdoor lifestyle'.”

Sorry, back from that tangent...

Let's say my “personal choices”. I am absolutely thrilled with the person I am, and a lot of those who try to convince me they're my “friends” would be pretty damn lucky to have accomplished the things that I have. I made a shitload of bad choices when I was younger, recovered from almost all of them and now I'm almost completely at peace... minus this blog, of course!! But damn man, I'm pretty fucking tired of people trying to tell me that the way I live is not how a “normal” person lives... or that my goals are not what they should be at this stage of my life. And by people, I guess I really only mean a select few... who would never bother to read something I've written or come to see any of my performances because they feel it's stupid and not worth their time. Well, believe me... before this eats away at me so much to the point where I start to hemorrhage, there will be words spoken. But not yet... I would like to wait until I'm calm enough to be rational and not allow an unfiltered version of me to live beyond this day or this blog. But needless to say, to those whose standards I apparently do not meet... the only standards I ever have to live up to in my personal life are those I set for myself. I do not have to impress anyone, nor do I accept your criticism of my personality & my preferences as anything other than the jealous, fearful barbs of small-minded people who are so envious that they don't have the fortitude or drive to move beyond their self-pity & addictive personalities to achieve the marvelous things I have in my short time on this earth. I do not rant because I'm dissatisfied with my life; I rant because you ignorant assholes sit & pass judgment on me because you are dissatisfied with yours. So don't worry; when I'm far away from this cloud that you choose to bring into my home & I look back from the sunshine to see just how many steps behind me you truly are, maybe it'll be a wake-up call for you to drop your shit & catch up. Until then, enjoy life in the rear-view mirror.

… I have to be honest here, for a good few hours I thought I might not post this blog. This may ruffle some feathers, and it is written primarily out of frustration & anger, which is something I don't always embrace as being presentable to the world. But upon reading what I've written thus far, I feel it's a good reminder that there are indeed two sides to every coin... a yin and a yang, as it were. To deny one would be to deny the whole thing... and I'm not about denial. Haven't been for a long time. So, I'm gonna put this up. Getting these words down on paper (well, cyberspace), has actually calmed me down quite a bit. Those of you who actually read my blogs do so because you have an interest in my life & my views... and more so, I like to look back and see what I'm thinking from time to time. Please understand, I'm not intending to judge others by making my views sound any more right or wrong than anyone else's, nor is it my intent to insult the personal beliefs others. My intent is to describe just how very pro-me I am and how very anti-judgment I am. In the end, we're all who we are and we all have to live with each other... and although I'm generally upbeat and do not always show a lot of outward frustration, it's inhuman of me to deny that it's there. And as such, I won't.

I just noticed the clouds outside... happens to all of us, I guess. Maybe the sun will be back tomorrow.


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